
How's The New Website Effort Going?

With a few bugs still left, but a manageable list, and no way yet to log into the website, alpha testing will none the less begin.

That's because Phase One of Alpha Testing is all internal. We, the developers will now begin to develop projects on CwhatIcanDo.com. Phase One testing will continue till mid-August when we will invite creators to participate in wringing out the final issues and making suggestions to make the site easy to use and understand.

After what we expect to be a month and one half of actual development using the site and the Creator Tools, we will open the website to the general public. Most likely this will be at the end of November, just in time for holiday web marketing pushes. Because CwhatIcanDo is not exactly a gift shop, we are not driven by retail deadlines, but we are also sure that with our "buy here" parts lists, we are going to stimulate purchasing of parts and tools to create another's version of the projects on CwhatIcanDo.

So this month's blog entry is not going to be very interesting until somewhere around the end of the month when I will redirect you via this blog to the new C What I Can Do website!

Whoopee! Almost There!!!!


Mr. Roboto said...

It has begun to become more public. The CwhatIcanDo blog is operational. We have a blogspot account thanks to google, you can read the blog and look at the core underpinnings as the design ideas become a reality.


Check it out. The website release becomes closer and closer

Mr. Roboto said...

I see a bug already! We aren't going to hit mid-August release. And I'm beginning to rethink the release process since we have already two committed sponsors signed up. So now I'm thinking I'd better slow down and take the rest of August to think this thing out...

So blow off any dates you read, read only the months estimates.

It should read release Target August. With changed release parameters and a longer testing period.

Why? The damn thing is hot! The concept down to the core idea. I built this site to show off my robots, and being a robot sympathizer of the highest order, I'm going to let my fellow robot makers have a crack at this website before I release it to the general public.

Robots must get their chance. They will get their chance this time. And, let's face it robot builders have to explain their projects all the time, and want to. Who better to make the site ready but robot builders.

We please them, we have a good chance of pleasing everyone who decides to participate with CwhatIcanDo...