Indiegogo Fail
Indiegogo campaign got one subscriber. Colossal Fail :-(
I realize the i-Mon App Blog: is telling a "startup story," it's just like any startup, any time. Failures are opportunities!
Sure, I have a solution, and have already started (if you read the blog, you get a status report) on the road to Change (A Solution, moving toward THE SOLUTION.)
Things Robotic
I'm now figuring out what this blog could do, tell you what I'm doing lately, Robo-Wise.
So Here's what's cookin' in the "Labs" here in Roboto Land.
The mighty PONG project:
Design: I am having some difficulty in the design, an instability is plaguing me in the receiver, but it's all wiggling. I can pick up reflected signals, that is, make it work like the not-so-mighty, but plenty famous Ping))) ultrasonic object recognizer.What it is a ruggedized version of the well-known Ping))) first step is to examine what it is that makes the Ping almost useless in a rugged outdoor environment. So Apart I took 'em. Two types, one a single "transceiver" the other a double, separate transmit and receive units.
I found a couple of problems:
The actual transducers are not rugged, in fact they are dainty. I think this little video can show you what they are like mechanically. I found equal electrical and transducer failures in the five sample SFR04's I tested. I now have only one workable SFR04 and another that has lost it's transmit power and is pretty useless. SFR04's are more dainty than the Ping))). SRF04's are cheap, around five bucks, but they are even worse than the Ping, which by my studies is not Strong enough to hold up.
Meet Pong)))
I'm taking advantage of the use of ultrasonic transducers in automobile applications, apparently the people at Parallax are thinking like me, because they have begun to stock an outdoor, ruggedized transducer: I realize I'm doing this at my 1/2 person lab and Parallax has more geniuses / sq ft than I do:
The receive unit is not stable yet.
So there's my update. More Fun to Come!
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