
Using the Ext 2.1 - 2.0

This is a quick blog entry. Just to let any blog visitors know what I'm up to.

I've been involved in my own learning curve for using a javascript framework: Ext 2.x. I'm far enough down the road to know enough about using this framework for a genuine website. Here's the downlow for the CwhatIcanDo website which is scheduled for a target public release in the fall. Behind the obvious URL homepage, we have a couple of issues:

Ext 2.x (and other frameworks) that fill in div tags with information - Lousy with Search Engines
Very clean and makes easy to use interfaces - Does this wildly well

Thus, CwhatIcanDo uses traditional php on the "outside" pages where you browse projects and steps quickly and lowest potential bandwidth. On the "inside" pages, where you actually develop your projects, use tools built with the Ext 2.x interface. Since the inside pages use Ext, everything shows to Search Engines, yet provides the most powerful tools for project development because the "inside" pages are not used by SE's anyway...

Monetization of the website occurs through 3rd party revenue sharing. A project creator can actually make money directly through showing a project on CwhatIcanDo. So in addition to racking up bragging rights, creators retain all publishing rights (write a book - produce a video) so the site becomes a great place for people to not only get glory, but make money through 3rd party sales, but also through direct sales of the creators' projects by themselves or another publisher.

It is a great concept. We are finished with the technical research and have started the actual site buildout. We are targeting Alpha Testing for late summer with the Beta Site scheduled to open for business in the fall of 2008. Meanwhile, I've got to leave now so I can do more development work...

Wish me and Andrei (A. Peshakov) luck! And look for robotics updates when summer is over... Maybe I'll be able to jam in another robot video before too long...

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