
TriCycle Bot

Check this guy out.  Why build such a thing?  Because I want to create a Ball Bot.  That's right. This month I've been pondering making a ball robot. So I've been thinking about what and how to do it.  Here's where I went at first.  I figured a couple of wheels inside a ball wouldn't work unless one of the wheels allowed me to move in all directions.

So I figured, why not just one wheel?  Standing up would be a problem.  That was easy to fix, you just make a triangle.  Use a couple of wheels expressly to hold the rest of the bot, that's all.  The tricycle would exist inside a large round ball instead of moving around the floor.  The tricycle bot serves as kind of an experiment in "can you do it?"  The answer is, YES!  And the video is the proof.

So what's next?  Find a suitable ball to set the tricycle inside and see if the ball moves around.  Maybe next time I make an entry???

UPDATE on CwhatIcanDo.com:  
It's being used and we've had a couple of bugs. I'm glad it's only family and friends alpha!  On time for a Fall Beta, but that decision is still a month away.  This is another video featured on the CwhatIcanDo website.

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