
Robot powered by Linux Has Onboard Camera

This looks like the real thing. Real enough. It's low-cost (darn-near cheap!) yet has a 2.4ghz Nordic radio, so the controller has a video screen from which you view the video camera on the robot itself. Yes, it's powered by Linux. Yes, there is a USB port which allows you to upload your own and other's programs.

And you can program the bot to run routes.

One pile of really really fun kid stuff!!! But around here, it's open to being hacked, modded, re-purposed and folded spindled and mutilated.

This is another C What I Can Do video at cWhatIcanDo.com, so take a look. C What I Can Do .com I have a feeling we will be back to this project, I've downloaded the software and have almost clean compiles of all the sample projects. I've downloaded speed control programs which allow you to tweak the PWM motor drivers... This is going to be some fun ripping into the little compact box. Let's hope it doesn't disappoint. It hasn't yet.

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